Monday, November 5, 2012

Lecture 11: Agenda Setting

Agenda setting is the process of the mass media presenting certain issues frequently and prominently with the result that large segments of the public come to perceive those issues as more important as others. 

Agenda setting can be broken down into,

Public Agenda-  What is important to the public

Policy Agenda- Issues that journalist and editors think are important

Corporate agenda- What the network thinks is important

Media Agenda- Issues relative and current to the media

The media is not holistic in supplying all the information and allowing us to choose and view what we choose. this would be to inefficient and costly. Instead the media shapes and filters the media to what they think are our interests and what is important. The moving tendency and decline fo media to produce low cost and low quality news has therefore increased.

Due to this it is important to have ethical and moral journalist making the key decisions in creating media so as to maintain the integrity of news etc.

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