Saturday, November 10, 2012

Lecture 12: Investigative Journalism

The idea of winning a Walkely Award for investigative journalism is what gets my heart pumping. The concept of enlightening the world with controversial or shocking information that betters society in some way is what most if not all journalist dream of and live for. In order to be a good investigative journalist it is important,

To be intelligent - So as to structure a information within a story, maximise audience intrigue and interest

To be informed - To know the situation and facts surrounding it. the people, context, motive,  background, environment

To be intuitive - Rely on yourself to make accurate, effective and moral decisions for the best outcomes

To get inside - Find accurate information, discount everything you cant prove

To invest - Be involved with the story and committed to seeing it through

The purposes outline by Dr Redman for journalist to be critical and thorough, custodians of conscience  a fourth branch of government or watchdog and  a voice for those without one' hold the powerful accountable is exactly how i would envision myself idealistically as a journalist. I am sure i am not alone in this. Exposure is a great leveller and can empower or  dis-empower anyone. 

The trouble with these ideals is however that only a select portion happen to use them for the greater good or at all. The monopoly of power in media production lies with the commercial networks and their all powerful figureheads. The industry is primarily about making money and this ideals toward bettering society frequently fall by the way side or are manipulated for a self interest based goal. For example Rupert Murdoch and his well known attempts to influence public opinion regarding social issues and politics. As an archaic relic Rupert's sour outlook on politics is aptly reflected in his tendency to alter his media for political power and control. 

For example the freedom and liberties granted by News Limited to Bill O'Reilly (a presenter on the Fox US channel) is worrying. He, i feel, is a great example of how Rupert's brash opinions and poetical games harm the community.

Trailblazers such as Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein responsible for uncovering watergate provided a early modern era example of how investigative journalism can change the world and uncover hindrance to a democratic society. More relevant modern trailblazers are Julian Assange with Wikileaks and this years winners of the Australian Walkely Award for Investigative Journalism, Sarah Ferguson, Deb Masters and Irene Ulman who are reporters for four corners.

Julian Assange's Wikileaks is a world changing website that enables the sharing and viewing of otherwise inaccesible information that has relevance to our society. Although controversial, Wikileaks has uncovered global deceptions and continues to empower the individual. 

Sarah Ferguson, Deb Masters and Irene Ulman Four Corners special report on people smugglers was  ground breaking and prompted a government full scale inquiry.

The Global Mail remains one of my favourite news sources. With an array of interesting and mostly importantly, different news articles that are still highly relevant, i am constantly amazed at their skill as investigative journalist. A recent article by Jeremy Clarke about Kenya marathon runners i found genius and mesmerising. This is definitely the kind of journalism that inspires me.

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First Year Journalism/Arts Student